An ATMA is who we are deep within, with a spark of the divine Light that grows as a person and helps us recognise our own.
We are innate with life needed necessities like need to love and be loved, compassion, kindness, gratitude, strength to overcome obstacles and determination to reach our own level of goals.
An ATMA is as deep as it can be with no comparison.
Every ATMA has a fire burning within us, a fire that illuminates our world, a fire that doesn’t burn, but brings about life in -YOU- and -I-, just like the sun.
We at ATMARA help you to get in touch with your true selves, the beautiful radiant light that elevates the goodness within,
to become a better and a happier -YOU-
Along with and under the guidance of Ms.Biju Raja, Founder-Director we at ATMARA are a team of qualified, passionate, efficient and abled Trainers, Psychologists and Psychotherapists.
We offer training workshops and seminars in various themes focusing on personal and professional growth. We have specifically designed themes for counsellors, psychologists, nurses, field workers, corporate professionals, teachers, parents and students.
We also offer counselling services and various therapies.
ATMARA envisions and aims at a holistic growth in you ,which includes the betterment of relationships, work and leisure. A sound body and mind is all it takes for this process to occur.
In a world of “being busy”, we find many hurdles to the process of healthy living .
ATMARA endeavours to contribute positively by way of training and education , which would empower you to gain knowledge and necessary skills to cope up with hurdles of life, and in turn have a healthy and a holistic growth process.
We cater to all those of you who are interested in growth and development,
both in personal and professional life.